1. Lesson 1- How to place the fingers on the keyboard. Typing Course..mp4
2. Lesson 2_ The thumbs and the spacebar. Typing Course.mp4
3. Lesson 3_ How to improve mental concentration while learning. Typing Course
4.Lesson 4_ What is the correct position to sit in front of the computer_ Typing Course
5.Lesson 5_ How to move your fingers on the keyboard. G and H keys. Typing Course
6.Lesson 6_ What is the secret to being able to type fast_ Typing Course
7. Lesson 7_ Learn Touch Typing. Typing Course
8.Lesson 9_ Master the QWERTYUIOP keys on the upper row. Typing Course
9.Lesson 9_ Master the QWERTYUIOP keys on the upper row. Typing Course
9.Microsoft Word - Tutorial for Beginners in 13 MINUTES! [ COMPLETE ]